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Top Reasons why people are so distraught for SAP Certification

SAP Certification is the most sought after certifications in the Information Technology (IT) world. In every alcove and corner of the world, it has created tremendous buzz among the IT professionals. Likely, SAP Certification is one of the most criticized certifications, but at the same, it is one of the biggest dreams for number of people. SAP Training in Gurgaon Many people have criticized from multiple points of view by writing sites, articles and even books. But, it's not possible for anyone to rule out the craze that it has created in this fast moving IT world. SAP Certification is one of the most successful IT certifications in the recent past. Either directly or indirectly, it has given employment to a great many people over the globe. Though, there are many contenders for the top certification position from Microsoft, Cisco, Sun and Oracle, but still people go so frantic for this SAP Certification. SAP Certification is undoubtedly the number one product based IT certification in the current market trend. On the off chance that you see the number of people enrolling for SAP Certification over the globe is a benchmark for other certifications.

Though there are number of restrictions and hurdles kept by SAP policies for people in particular regions, still it has not lessen the interest for this SAP Certification. Personally, I am not for the SAP discriminatory policies for appearing SAP Certification based on their region. Not just me, many of the professionals from APAC region are not content with these inflexible rules framed by SAP. As a worldwide company and equal opportunity employer, SAP ought to have made the comparable sort of rules in permitting the people for appearing the SAP Certification. Unfortunately, they have different rules for people residing in UK, USA and people in APAC region. In the event that a person from APAC region comes to UK, USA for short term visit, then they can still escape those weird rules of implementation experience and letters from employers etc. There are people even intending to cross the border so as to write the SAP Certification (even I needed to cross the border to write my SAP BW Certification ). In this context, my question to SAP is, the reason cannot you have the same strategy over the globe and what is the reason for this discrimination?

SAP ought to have made the same rules for any human being on this earth. In the event that they have the knowledge, then they are going to pass, otherwise, a simple come up short. This is as simple as that. But, I don't understand what is there in SAP Education approach makers mind. I see this approach is additionally not commercially viable option for SAP. On the off chance that they make the reasonable rules over the globe (remove restrictions in APAC region), it would generate more than one million SAP Certification enrolments in a year in India alone. This will create a big surge like first day movie tickets of Bollywood, Tollywood and Kollywood in India . This little approach change can easily earn SAP a large portion of a billion dollars per annum from India alone. In the event that SAP has the "one globe" arrangement, then the number of enrolments from India alone will be definitely more than double the number of enrolments from the rest of the world. For me it looks, just to protect the commercial interests of some SAP Education Partners in APAC region, they have come up with these discriminatory policies. Unfortunately, these policies are being further discriminated by neighborhood SAP to decide their very own rules on case to case premise and undue preference has been to the employees working with their nearby partners. I am not sure whether other IT Certification providers are making this type of discriminatory rules based on their regions/partnerships.

Anyway, we can easily understand how the people are going distraught for SAP Certification. Please don't think that this craze for SAP Certification is just in India. It has the same madness over the globe. I might want to point out some of the reasons for this madness. There could be million reasons, why people are doing SAP Certification, but these are my Top 10 reasons why people are getting so distraught for SAP Certification.

  •  Job

This is the most essential reason that most people are enrolling for SAP Certification is with a hope that it will get them a decent job in SAP arena. There are number of precedents, where numerous people have achieved decent career in SAP based on their SAP Certification. At last, their stories are turned out to be the most successful stories. Many of these people have achieved professional success and served number of top Global Companies. SAP Certification has helped them to move from remote areas to one of the world's top most cities. Their friends, youngsters, colleagues and others are motivated by this and they are additionally planning to repeat the same success stories. Most of the people still believe that they can get a decent job in SAP arena and that job will turn their and their next generations' fortunes. It is the reason why there are people ready to leave their jobs even with more than 20 years of space experience and wanted to do the SAP certification so as to break into SAP world.

  •  Money

Many of the people who are enrolling for SAP Certification still believe that it is a decent method for long haul investment. They are trusting that this SAP Certification still able to fetch them a reasonably decent amount of returns on their investment. Some of the people still believe that SAP Certification can be an Euro Million Jackpot in their lives. It might be true to a certain extent as number of consultants have seen fast growth in their professional careers, even it has given them the more than thousand percent of growth and money. The markets are very volatile and the ever increasing demand for quality people, still some of the employers believe that SAP Certification is a decent method for measuring the knowledge of the people. With this intention, they are still searching for knowledgeable SAP Certified consultants. The hope of getting great amount of money from those employers is one of the best motivator for people doing the SAP Certification.

  •  Reputation

SAP Certified Consultants will have an incredible reputation by their employers of being certified. They will enjoy this special reputation from their employers, colleagues, friends and relatives. They will visualize this sort of reputation in the society and still motivate themselves to a greater extent so as to become Certified Consultants. The precedents of reputation that is being enjoyed many number of people is one of the principle encouraging factor so as to do the SAP Certification. Everybody might want to see themselves as successfully reputed people and professionals in their lives. No one is an exception to this rule. This is the basic and fundamental human brain science and it is one of the principle encouraging factor why people would go for SAP Certification.

  •  Recognition

SAP Certified consultants will enjoy a special recognition with their employer and the prospective employers. Many prospective employers still distribute their jobs by stating that "SAP Certification is mandatory/value added advantage". You will see there are number of jobs in the market with this sort of statements. These statements will drive the number of SAP job trusting aspirants to get them certified. For those employers, SAP is a third party, which is certifying that the said individual has adequate knowledge in a particular area at that point of time. They have to believe the certification from SAP as a third party and consider that as one of the measuring stick in selecting the candidates. In addition, SAP is likewise serving Logos, ID cards (not sure whether ID Cards are discontinued) to the people who have passed the SAP Certification. People still have same craze for these logos and ID cards to put on their CVs and show ID Cards to general society. These logos are still fetching the great amount of recognition from the recruiters. (These logos are just .jpg files, which can be easily used any deceitful people; I still wonder how SAP is taking steps to prevent this misuse). People enrolling for SAP Certification are still trusting that they are being recognized by these employers.

  •  Prospects

SAP Certification gives the people a special pad in their career and opens up with many prospects. Just before certification, no one even bothered to talk about them, but when they are certified, their marketability has increased tremendously. Everybody, talks about their stupendous success. This is just like a person who received their 'driving license' and they are recognized to drive out and about. People still believe that one such opportunity will turn their future. They can utilize that opportunity to their advantage in professional career, by endeavoring to achieve their professional objectives. They believe that the SAP Certification can give them number of prospects, could be one of the intending reasons to go frantic for SAP Certification.

  •  Promotion

Decent number of employers has promoted the certified consultants in their organizations, particularly in the initial blasting long periods of SAP. In those days, everybody, who has certified by SAP has reaped number benefits from their employers and used SAP Certification a spring to reach the top hierarchies at a faster rate. But, on step by step, within the market, the number of certified consultants are increased on a larger scale. However, organizations in remote areas discover difficult to get great quality consultants, are still encouraging their employees to do the SAP Certification. Many of them who want to develop their career in that organization will go for the SAP Certification to their own imprint with that company.

  •  Self-respect

SAP Certification is a confidence booster and it gives a lot of self-respect for them. The recognition and reputation among the people make them feel special. To visualize this feeling make them significantly more stronger and they believe that they are not inferior to anybody. There are many methods for developing one's self respect, but when they are being certified by reputed organization like SAP, it gives them a strong sense of responsibility and self respect. This sort of self respect is one of the most strong motivating reasons to enroll themselves for SAP Certification.

  •  Prestige

Some people believe having BMW vehicle is an image of prestige, some believe having Sony 70″ 3D LCD TV is an image of prestige, some believe having Nikon high end DSLR is an image prestige and some believe having a luxurious cottage is prestige etc. In the comparable manner, there are many number of people believe that having SAP Certification likewise gives them the comparable sort of prestige in their life. On the off chance that you see physically, it is just a piece of A4 size paper. But, still there are number of people believe that A4 size paper from SAP is a prestige image. You cannot resell unlike other extravagance products, still there are people who has strong emotional bond for SAP Certification. You will still discover number of parents and relatives gladly state that their children/daughters/brothers/sisters are certified by SAP. This image of prestige is still a stronger reason for somebody to get the invaluable A4 size paper from SAP.

  •  Prove

There might be some employers/bosses, who neglect their invaluable employees or miserably failed to treat them with respect. Sometimes, people might have worked with such unfortunate and adamant bosses, who never care about the human relations. Those employers and bosses might have used every little opportunity to de-motivate the person to the greatest extent. In an indirect manner, these types of employers or bosses are likewise strong motivators. The people will make it a point to prove that they are not less to anybody. So as to prove themselves something special, they would opt for SAP Certification. People may discover this is a strange reason for going to be certified. But, on the off chance that you observe the person with a close human look, you will definitely discover large number of such certified people.

  •  Benefits

People fortunately locate some benevolent employers, who support the employees' education. They will take every effort, even in a most depressed economic situation, to allocate training budget and train their employees on the key skills. Some employers will reimburse the certification costs (unfortunately, I am yet to discover one). You will discover many people who will never be motivated if their own money is to be invested for education. In the event that somebody is else is ready to invest for them, then they will be incredibly inspired and wonderfully motivated to get them certified. The prime reason being, mentally they never intended to miss that free deal. As they would like to think, in the event that it is a free deal, they will proceed to snatch like an Olympic gold medal . You will discover such fortunate employees working with such lovely employers, gets easily motivated at a faster rate to get the reimbursement benefits for passing the SAP Certification.

APTRON delivers job - oriented SAP Training in Gurgaon. SAP Program is used for Systems, Applications and Products audit. It is the best SAP Course in Gurgaon .SAP is a type of programming that is to develop applications that interact with the system software (operating system), or computer hardware.SAP is creating terrific buzz in all around the IT sector. SAP is internationally accepted technology because of its multiple benefits and capabilities. On the off chance that you want to prepare yourself, then enroll yourself in SAP Course in Gurgaon today.


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